Route Optimisation Software

The core business and innovation of Svelta lies in utilising proprietary route optimisation technology to
find the best routes and maximize delivery efficiencies so that the customer remains equally satisfied
with the delivery time, while at the same time maximizing the delivery throughput (number of orders
fulfilled per hour) of each driver, which consequently reduces the delivery cost and carbon emissions
of the vehicles.
There are several factors that are considered by the Routing and Scheduling Engine of the platform
which includes delivery time restrictions, different vehicle capacities, preparation times, driver work
hours, potential stops to fulfillment centers etc. Currently, Svelta is analyzing the data and applying
machine learning to predict the demand of drivers at any time.
Our route optimisation software in further enhanced by innovative features such as
the “Van Orbiting” and “Meet & Exchange” processes which are explained below:

Van Orbiting
Through the experience gained by running our own delivery fleet, we discovered that one of the major issues was that although vans are the best solution to dispatch multiple products at once, it can be really time consuming to do all the drop-offs, either because they carry too many parcels for one driver, or because it is extremely difficult to find parking, especially in high density areas.
Svelta has designed a feature called “Van orbiting” whereby motorcycles can track the van through the app using GPS data and do a dynamic pickup from the van and the final drop-off to the customer. This means that a van can be directed towards an area with many orders and allow the motorcycles to do the final delivery without having to look for parking.

Meet & Exchange
Another innovative feature is the “Meet and Exchange” process. At any point of time, we might receive an order, after we have allocated the routes of our drivers. In case that the pickup lies within the route of one driver, and the drop-off within the route of another driver and it makes sense for the two drivers to meet at some point within their routes, we can schedule the first driver to do the pickup, exchange it with the second driver and allow them to do the final drop-off.
Svelta has designed a feature called “Van orbiting” whereby motorcycles can track the van through the app using GPS data and do a dynamic pickup from the van and the final drop-off to the customer. This means that a van can be directed towards an area with many orders and allow the motorcycles to do the final delivery without having to look for parking.